(We support building strong, flexible, and warm teams and contribute to the survival and development of the company.)
人材育成及び教育研修事業を通じて、クライアントの期待に応え、仲間の成長に寄与し、 活気あふれる社会と光り輝く未来の実現を目指します。
(Through our human resource development and training business, we aim to meet the expectations of our customers, contribute to the growth of our colleagues, and realize a vibrant society and a bright future.)
Own It! 当事者意識 (Sense of ownership <responsibility>)
Consentration 集中 (Apply oneself <concentration>)
Agreement 言行一致 (Walk the walk <action>)
「新しさは本質を忘れず変化を重ねることで創り出される」という私たちの想いからネーミングしました。 ロゴにある葉のマークは不易流行を唱えた松尾芭蕉にちなみ「バショウの葉」をモチーフにしています。
(Our company name is derived from our belief that "newness is created through continuous change without forgetting the essence. The leaf mark in the logo is based on the motif of a "basho leaf" in reference to the haiku writer Matsuo Basho, a great poet of the Edo period who advocated "continuity and change".)